The following are the non-surgical Spondylosis Treatments in India:
a) Acupuncture:
This is one of the best non-surgical Spondylosis Treatments in India which
is used to help in alleviating the back and neck pain. Your surgeon will insert
the tiny needles, into the specific points on the body and each needle may be
twirled, electrically stimulated, or warmed so that you will feel the effect of
the treatment. According to the study, acupuncture is a non-surgical Spondylosis Treatments in India which
works by prompting the body to produce chemicals which help you to reduce pain.
b) Use of Brace:
Bracing is a non-surgical Spondylosis Treatments in India which provide the temporary relief
from the symptoms, however, in long-term the use of braces is discouraged.
Braces worn long-term weaken the spinal muscles and can increase pain if not
constantly worn. In such condition, the best option is the physical therapy
which helps to strengthen the muscles.
c) Bed Rest: In case, you are dealing
with severe cases of spondylosis then in such condition the best rest is the
best non-surgical Spondylosis Treatments
in India but not for more than 1-3 days. According to study, the long-term
bed can put you at the risk for deep vein thrombosis which means blood clots in
the leg.
d) Lifestyle Modification: In case, you are over or underweight in
such situation your surgeon will advise you to maintain the healthy weight
according to your Body Mass Index (BMI) eat nutritious foods, regular exercise,
and quit smoking are some important and healthy habits which help your spine to
function at any age.
e) Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs): Your surgeon
will advise you for the non-surgical Spondylosis Treatments in India which is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
that relieve the inflammation which contributes to pain. Many of these NSAIDs
are available over-the-counter (OTC) without any prescription, however, the
others by prescription only. It is important to note that do not combine your
OTC medications with prescription drugs without consulting your physician's as
doing such a thing may cause a serious and adverse effect on your health.
f) Physical therapy: Physical therapy combines with passive
treatments is another good option of the non-surgical Spondylosis Treatments in India. The passive treatment that include
the heat or ice, ultrasound, and electrical stimulation to provide the relief
from the pain. Therapeutic exercises will be advised by your surgeon to
increase the flexibility and range of motion while building strength. You need
not be fearful of physical therapy as there are people who experienced the pain
and great difficulty while moving but they have found that isometric exercises
are beneficial to get the relief from the pain.
g) Spinal Injections: Your surgeon will give you some spinal
injections such as epidural steroid injections and facet joint injections.
These injections when combine with a local anaesthetic and steroid medication will
help to reduce the inflamed nerve tissues and thereby often help to reduce your
h) Muscle Relaxants: This type of non-surgical Spondylosis Treatments in India helps
to alleviate muscle pain.
i) Chiropractic:
This is a non-surgical Spondylosis Treatments in India which is also known as spinal
manipulation which may distress the nervous system and lead to a disorder
causing the back and the neck pain. This is a type of non-surgical procedure in
which drugs or surgery is not prescribed. Their practice includes ice or heat,
ultrasound, massage, lifestyle modification, and spinal adjustments to provide
the relief from pain.
j) Narcotics:
This type of medication may be prescribed only for
short periods of time to reduce the acute pain.
What is the surgical Spondylosis
Treatment in India?
According to the study, there are very few
patients with spondylosis who require surgery. In case, when all the
non-surgical Spondylosis Treatment in India are failed then your surgeon will recommend the surgery. Your surgeon
may determine that combining of two or more therapies provide the benefit and
quickly resolve your symptoms. In most of the cases, the non-surgical Spondylosis Treatment in India works.
However, there are some patients who are suffering from the neurologic deficit;
such as weakness, incontinence, or develop spinal instability. The cause of
severe symptoms often determines that the patient require the surgery to get
relief from the pain.
Surgical Spondylosis Treatment in India is necessary to remove the bone
spurs or disc tissue which compresses the spinal nerves or causing spinal cord
compression. Depending on the extent of the surgery, the surgeon will perform
the spinal fusion which is a minimally invasive procedure to stabilize the
spine. This minimally invasive spine surgery allows the patients to return
quickly to their normal activities.
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